Other articles

  1. Vivarium: A dynamic tiling wayland compositor

    This post is to announce the existence of Vivarium, a dynamic tiling wayland compositor.

    Screenshot of Vivarium with browser window, terminal and PDF viewer

    Core Vivarium features include:

    • Automatic/dynamic tiling with your choice of layouts.
    • Per-output workspaces: each monitor can switch independently through the same set of workspaces.
    • Floating windows on demand.
    • (optional) XWayland support.
    • Layer shell support, compatible …
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  2. A delayed resize layout in Kivy

    A user on the Kivy Discord just raised the question of how to delay widget updates during resize events. The problem was that the widgets did some heavy processing (generating matplotlib graphs) that would be very slow if called for every tiny update during a larger resize event.

    This is …

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  3. Widget interactions between Python and Kv

    One of the biggest Kivy confusions I see is how different widgets can access one another when they’re in different parts of the application. Fortunately, it’s generally straightforward to do so. This post gives examples of methods you might use in different situations.

    The emphasis here is on …

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  4. Kivy Hackathon and FOSDEM 2019

    For the last 3 days several of the Kivy Core Developers gathered in Brussels, Belgium for the first ever core developer hackathon. Not only is this the first time we’ve gathered to work on Kivy framework issues, but for most of us the first time we’ve ever met …

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  5. Kivy at PyCon

    Jacob Kovac, Kivy core developer and creator of the KivEnt game engine, is at PyCon 2016.

    Click here or see below to watch his talk, Revitalizing Python Game Development: Packaging, Performance, and Platforms.

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  6. Kivy Android app showcase

    A natural question when people hear about Kivy as a way to create Android apps in Python is…what can you do with it? Is it performant enough for games, can you call the Android APIs, do all apps look the same? One of the best resources for these kinds …

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  7. python-for-android now supports Python 3 APKs

    It’s been a long time coming, but we can finally make the announcement… python-for-android now supports Python 3 Android apps! This naturally includes Kivy, but also should work for anything else you can package with python-for-android, such as apps made with PySDL2. Using Python 3 remains experimental for now …

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  8. Python on Android

    There are an increasing number of resources about different ways of running Python on Android. Kivy (and its subprojects) are commonly mentioned, as one of the most mature and popular ways to do so, but one thing that gets less attention is the details of what you can do with …

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  9. Hy (lisp) and Kivy

    I was recently reminded of the super cool Hy project. Hy is a lisp that compiles to python’s own abstract syntax tree, so it works perfectly with existing Python code (including with Cython etc.) but also exposes all the power of lisp.

    For instance, here’s a simple Kivy …

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  10. Kivy Contest 2014

    Just to announce here for anyone that hasn’t seen already…Kivy recently announced the Kivy org second programming contest! You can check out all the details at http://kivy.org/#contest!

    To cover the key details here, entries are open now (you can sign up at the link above …

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  11. Kivy’s bind method

    One of the most common problems for new Kivy users is misunderstanding how the bind method works, especially amongst newer Python users who haven’t fully formed their intuition about function calls. For instance, a user will write code like:

    some_screenmanager.bind(current=a_function(arg1, arg2))

    Here, the idea is …

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  12. Shall I keep going?

    To anyone reading these write-ups of my Kivy Crash Course…shall I keep going? I’ll keep writing up the individual videos if people are finding them useful, but I’d also like to spend more time blogging about other things (including other Kivy features rather than just following the …

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