#!/usr/bin/env python
Tool for compiling Android toolchain
This tool intend to replace all the previous tools/ in shell script.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from sys import stdout, platform
from os.path import (join, dirname, realpath, exists, isdir, basename,
from os import listdir, unlink, makedirs, environ, chdir, getcwd, walk, uname
import os
import zipfile
import tarfile
import importlib
import io
import json
import glob
import shutil
import re
import imp
import contextlib
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from datetime import datetime
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from urllib.request import FancyURLopener
except ImportError:
from urllib import FancyURLopener
from urlparse import urlparse
import argparse
from appdirs import user_data_dir
import sh
from colorama import Style, Fore
user_dir = dirname(realpath(os.path.curdir))
toolchain_dir = dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(0, join(toolchain_dir, "tools", "external"))
class LevelDifferentiatingFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
if record.levelno > 20:
record.msg = '{}{}[WARNING]{}{}: '.format(
Style.BRIGHT, Fore.RED, Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg
elif record.levelno > 10:
record.msg = '{}[INFO]{}: '.format(
Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg
record.msg = '{}{}[DEBUG]{}{}: '.format(
Style.BRIGHT, Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL) + record.msg
return super(LevelDifferentiatingFormatter, self).format(record)
logger = logging.getLogger('p4a')
if not hasattr(logger, 'touched'): # Necessary as importlib reloads
# this, which would add a second
# handler and reset the level
logger.touched = True
ch = logging.StreamHandler(stdout)
formatter = LevelDifferentiatingFormatter('%(message)s')
info = logger.info
debug = logger.debug
warning = logger.warning
IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
info(''.join([Style.BRIGHT, Fore.RED,
'This python-for-android revamp is an experimental alpha release!',
('It should work (mostly), but you may experience '
'missing features or bugs.'),
def info_main(*args):
logger.info(''.join([Style.BRIGHT, Fore.GREEN] + list(args) +
[Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.RESET]))
def info_notify(s):
info('{}{}{}{}'.format(Style.BRIGHT, Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX, s, Style.RESET_ALL))
def pretty_log_dists(dists, log_func=info):
infos = []
for dist in dists:
infos.append('{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}{name}{Style.RESET_ALL}: '
'includes recipes ({Fore.GREEN}{recipes}'
name=dist.name, recipes=', '.join(dist.recipes),
Fore=Fore, Style=Style))
for line in infos:
log_func('\t' + line)
def shprint(command, *args, **kwargs):
'''Runs the command (which should be an sh.Command instance), while
logging the output.'''
kwargs["_iter"] = True
kwargs["_out_bufsize"] = 1
kwargs["_err_to_out"] = True
kwargs["_bg"] = True
if len(logger.handlers) > 1:
command_path = str(command).split('/')
command_string = command_path[-1]
string = ' '.join(['running', command_string] + list(args))
# If logging is not in DEBUG mode, trim the command if necessary
if logger.level > logging.DEBUG:
short_string = string
if len(string) > 100:
short_string = string[:100] + '... (and {} more)'.format(len(string) - 100)
logger.info(short_string + Style.RESET_ALL)
logger.debug(string + Style.RESET_ALL)
output = command(*args, **kwargs)
need_closing_newline = False
for line in output:
if logger.level > logging.DEBUG:
string = ''.join([Style.RESET_ALL, '\r', ' '*11, 'working ... ',
line[:100].replace('\n', '').rstrip(), ' ...'])
if len(string) < 20:
if len(string) < 120:
string = string + ' '*(120 - len(string))
need_closing_newline = True
logger.debug(''.join(['\t', line.rstrip()]))
if logger.level > logging.DEBUG and need_closing_newline:
return output
# shprint(sh.ls, '-lah')
# exit(1)
def require_prebuilt_dist(func):
'''Decorator for ToolchainCL methods. If present, the method will
automatically make sure a dist has been built before continuing
or, if no dists are present or can be obtained, will raise an
def wrapper_func(self, args):
ctx = self.ctx
dist = self._dist
if dist.needs_build:
info_notify('No dist exists that meets your requirements, so one will '
'be built.')
args = build_dist_from_args(ctx, dist, args)
func(self, args)
return wrapper_func
def get_directory(filename):
'''If the filename ends with a recognised file extension, return the
filename without this extension.'''
if filename.endswith('.tar.gz'):
return basename(filename[:-7])
elif filename.endswith('.tgz'):
return basename(filename[:-4])
elif filename.endswith('.tar.bz2'):
return basename(filename[:-8])
elif filename.endswith('.tbz2'):
return basename(filename[:-5])
elif filename.endswith('.zip'):
return basename(filename[:-4])
info('Unknown file extension for {}'.format(filename))
def which(program, path_env):
'''Locate an executable in the system.'''
import os
def is_exe(fpath):
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
if fpath:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in path_env.split(os.pathsep):
path = path.strip('"')
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if is_exe(exe_file):
return exe_file
return None
def current_directory(new_dir):
cur_dir = getcwd()
logger.info(''.join((Fore.CYAN, '-> directory context ', new_dir,
logger.info(''.join((Fore.CYAN, '<- directory context ', cur_dir,
def cache_execution(f):
def _cache_execution(self, *args, **kwargs):
state = self.ctx.state
key = "{}.{}".format(self.name, f.__name__)
force = kwargs.pop("force", False)
if args:
for arg in args:
key += ".{}".format(arg)
key_time = "{}.at".format(key)
if key in state and not force:
print("# (ignored) {} {}".format(f.__name__.capitalize(), self.name))
print("{} {}".format(f.__name__.capitalize(), self.name))
f(self, *args, **kwargs)
state[key] = True
state[key_time] = str(datetime.utcnow())
return _cache_execution
class ChromeDownloader(FancyURLopener):
version = (
'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 '
'(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36')
urlretrieve = ChromeDownloader().retrieve
class JsonStore(object):
"""Replacement of shelve using json, needed for support python 2 and 3.
def __init__(self, filename):
super(JsonStore, self).__init__()
self.filename = filename
self.data = {}
if exists(filename):
with io.open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd:
self.data = json.load(fd)
except ValueError:
print("Unable to read the state.db, content will be replaced.")
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.data[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.data[key]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.data
def get(self, item, default=None):
return self.data.get(item, default)
def keys(self):
return self.data.keys()
def remove_all(self, prefix):
for key in self.data.keys()[:]:
if not key.startswith(prefix):
del self.data[key]
def sync(self):
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12309269/write-json-data-to-file-in-python/14870531#14870531
if IS_PY3:
with open(self.filename, 'w') as fd:
json.dump(self.data, fd, ensure_ascii=False)
with io.open(self.filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
fd.write(unicode(json.dumps(self.data, ensure_ascii=False)))
class Arch(object):
def __init__(self, ctx):
super(Arch, self).__init__()
self.ctx = ctx
def __str__(self):
return self.arch
def include_dirs(self):
return [
for d in self.ctx.include_dirs]
def get_env(self):
include_dirs = [
for d in self.ctx.include_dirs]
env = {}
env["CFLAGS"] = " ".join([
"-DANDROID", "-mandroid", "-fomit-frame-pointer",
"--sysroot", self.ctx.ndk_platform])
env["CXXFLAGS"] = env["CFLAGS"]
env["LDFLAGS"] = " ".join(['-lm'])
py_platform = sys.platform
if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']:
py_platform = 'linux'
toolchain_prefix = self.ctx.toolchain_prefix
toolchain_version = self.ctx.toolchain_version
env['TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX'] = toolchain_prefix
env['TOOLCHAIN_VERSION'] = toolchain_version
cc = find_executable('{toolchain_prefix}-gcc'.format(
toolchain_prefix=toolchain_prefix), path=environ['PATH'])
if cc is None:
warning('Couldn\'t find executable for CC. This indicates a '
'problem locating the {} executable in the Android '
'NDK, not that you don\'t have a normal compiler '
'installed. Exiting.')
env['CC'] = '{toolchain_prefix}-gcc {cflags}'.format(
env['CXX'] = '{toolchain_prefix}-g++ {cxxflags}'.format(
env['AR'] = '{}-ar'.format(toolchain_prefix)
env['RANLIB'] = '{}-ranlib'.format(toolchain_prefix)
env['LD'] = '{}-ld'.format(toolchain_prefix)
env['STRIP'] = '{}-strip --strip-unneeded'.format(toolchain_prefix)
env['MAKE'] = 'make -j5'
env['READELF'] = '{}-readelf'.format(toolchain_prefix)
hostpython_recipe = Recipe.get_recipe('hostpython2', self.ctx)
# AND: This hardcodes python version 2.7, needs fixing
# AND: This also hardcodes armeabi, which isn't even correct, don't forget to fix!
env['BUILDLIB_PATH'] = join(hostpython_recipe.get_build_dir('armeabi'),
'build', 'lib.linux-{}-2.7'.format(uname()[-1]))
env['PATH'] = environ['PATH']
# AND: This stuff is set elsewhere in distribute.sh. Does that matter?
env['ARCH'] = self.arch
# env['LIBLINK_PATH'] = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds', 'objects')
# ensure_dir(env['LIBLINK_PATH']) # AND: This should be elsewhere
return env
class ArchAndroid(Arch):
arch = "armeabi"
# class ArchSimulator(Arch):
# sdk = "iphonesimulator"
# arch = "i386"
# triple = "i386-apple-darwin11"
# version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=6.0.0"
# sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--show-sdk-path").strip()
# class Arch64Simulator(Arch):
# sdk = "iphonesimulator"
# arch = "x86_64"
# triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin13"
# version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=7.0"
# sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--show-sdk-path").strip()
# class ArchIOS(Arch):
# sdk = "iphoneos"
# arch = "armv7"
# triple = "arm-apple-darwin11"
# version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=6.0.0"
# sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphoneos", "--show-sdk-path").strip()
# class Arch64IOS(Arch):
# sdk = "iphoneos"
# arch = "arm64"
# triple = "aarch64-apple-darwin13"
# version_min = "-miphoneos-version-min=7.0"
# sysroot = sh.xcrun("--sdk", "iphoneos", "--show-sdk-path").strip()
class Graph(object):
# Taken from the old python-for-android/depsort
# Modified to include alternative dependencies
def __init__(self):
# `graph`: dict that maps each package to a set of its dependencies.
self.graphs = [{}]
# self.graph = {}
def remove_redundant_graphs(self):
'''Removes possible graphs if they are equivalent to others.'''
graphs = self.graphs
initial_num_graphs = len(graphs)
# Walk the list backwards so that popping elements doesn't mess up indexing
for i in range(len(graphs) - 1):
graph = graphs[initial_num_graphs - 1 - i]
for j in range(1, len(graphs)):
comparison_graph = graphs[initial_num_graphs - 1 - j]
if set(comparison_graph.keys()) == set(graph.keys()):
graphs.pop(initial_num_graphs - 1 - i)
def add(self, dependent, dependency):
"""Add a dependency relationship to the graph"""
if isinstance(dependency, (tuple, list)):
for graph in self.graphs[:]:
for dep in dependency[1:]:
new_graph = deepcopy(graph)
self._add(new_graph, dependent, dep)
self._add(graph, dependent, dependency[0])
for graph in self.graphs:
self._add(graph, dependent, dependency)
def _add(self, graph, dependent, dependency):
'''Add a dependency relationship to a specific graph, where dependency
must be a single dependency, not a list or tuple.
graph.setdefault(dependent, set())
graph.setdefault(dependency, set())
if dependent != dependency:
def conflicts(self, conflict):
graphs = self.graphs
for i in range(len(graphs)):
graph = graphs[len(graphs) - 1 - i]
if conflict in graph:
graphs.pop(len(graphs) - 1 - i)
return len(graphs) == 0
def remove_remaining_conflicts(self, ctx):
# It's unpleasant to have to pass ctx as an argument...
'''Checks all possible graphs for conflicts that have arisen during
the additon of alternative repice branches, as these are not checked
for conflicts at the time.'''
new_graphs = []
for i, graph in enumerate(self.graphs):
for name in graph.keys():
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx)
if any([c in graph for c in recipe.conflicts]):
self.graphs = new_graphs
def add_optional(self, dependent, dependency):
"""Add an optional (ordering only) dependency relationship to the graph
Only call this after all mandatory requirements are added
for graph in self.graphs:
if dependent in graph and dependency in graph:
self._add(graph, dependent, dependency)
def find_order(self, index=0):
"""Do a topological sort on a dependency graph
iterator, sorted items form first to last
graph = self.graphs[index]
graph = dict((k, set(v)) for k, v in graph.items())
while graph:
# Find all items without a parent
leftmost = [l for l, s in graph.items() if not s]
if not leftmost:
raise ValueError('Dependency cycle detected! %s' % graph)
# If there is more than one, sort them for predictable order
for result in leftmost:
# Yield and remove them from the graph
yield result
for bset in graph.values():
class Context(object):
'''A build context. If anything will be built, an instance this class
will be instantiated and used to hold all the build state.'''
env = environ.copy()
root_dir = None # the filepath of toolchain.py
storage_dir = None # the root dir where builds and dists will be stored
build_dir = None # in which bootstraps are copied for building and recipes are built
dist_dir = None # the Android project folder where everything ends up
libs_dir = None # where Android libs are cached after build but
# before being placed in dists
javaclass_dir = None
ccache = None # whether to use ccache
cython = None # the cython interpreter name
ndk_platform = None # the ndk platform directory
dist_name = None # should be deprecated in favour of self.dist.dist_name
bootstrap = None
bootstrap_build_dir = None
recipe_build_order = None # Will hold the list of all built recipes
def packages_path(self):
'''Where packages are downloaded before being unpacked'''
return join(self.storage_dir, 'packages')
def templates_dir(self):
return join(self.root_dir, 'templates')
def libs_dir(self):
# Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/libs
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'libs_collections', self.bootstrap.distribution.name)
return dir
def javaclass_dir(self):
# Was previously hardcoded as self.build_dir/java
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'javaclasses', self.bootstrap.distribution.name)
return dir
def python_installs_dir(self):
dir = join(self.build_dir, 'python-installs')
return dir
def get_python_install_dir(self):
dir = join(self.python_installs_dir, self.bootstrap.distribution.name)
return dir
def setup_dirs(self):
'''Calculates all the storage and build dirs, and makes sure
the directories exist where necessary.'''
self.root_dir = realpath(dirname(__file__))
# AND: TODO: Allow the user to set the build_dir
self.storage_dir = user_data_dir('python-for-android')
self.build_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'build')
self.dist_dir = join(self.storage_dir, 'dists')
def android_api(self):
'''The Android API being targeted.'''
if self._android_api is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._android_api
def android_api(self, value):
self._android_api = value
def ndk_ver(self):
'''The version of the NDK being used for compilation.'''
if self._ndk_ver is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._ndk_ver
def ndk_ver(self, value):
self._ndk_ver = value
def sdk_dir(self):
'''The path to the Android SDK.'''
if self._sdk_dir is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._sdk_dir
def sdk_dir(self, value):
self._sdk_dir = value
def ndk_dir(self):
'''The path to the Android NDK.'''
if self._ndk_dir is None:
raise ValueError('Tried to access android_api but it has not '
'been set - this should not happen, something '
'went wrong!')
return self._ndk_dir
def ndk_dir(self, value):
self._ndk_dir = value
def prepare_build_environment(self, user_sdk_dir, user_ndk_dir,
user_android_api, user_ndk_ver):
'''Checks that build dependencies exist and sets internal variables
for the Android SDK etc.
..warning:: This *must* be called before trying any build stuff
if self._build_env_prepared:
# AND: This needs revamping to carefully check each dependency
# in turn
ok = True
# Work out where the Android SDK is
sdk_dir = None
if user_sdk_dir:
sdk_dir = user_sdk_dir
if sdk_dir is None: # This is the old P4A-specific var
sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDSDK', None)
if sdk_dir is None: # This seems used more conventionally
sdk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_HOME', None)
if sdk_dir is None: # Checks in the buildozer SDK dir, useful
# for debug tests of p4a
possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
'~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-sdk-*')))
if possible_dirs:
info('Found possible SDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
info('Will attempt to use SDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
warning('This SDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
'use python-for-android much you should probably '
'maintain your own SDK download.')
sdk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
if sdk_dir is None:
warning('Android SDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
self.sdk_dir = realpath(sdk_dir)
# Check what Android API we're using
android_api = None
if user_android_api:
android_api = user_android_api
if android_api is not None:
info('Getting Android API version from user argument')
if android_api is None:
android_api = environ.get('ANDROIDAPI', None)
if android_api is not None:
info('Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI')
if android_api is None:
info('Android API target was not set manually, using '
'the default of {}'.format(DEFAULT_ANDROID_API))
android_api = int(android_api)
self.android_api = android_api
android = sh.Command(join(sdk_dir, 'tools', 'android'))
targets = android('list').stdout.split('\n')
apis = [s for s in targets if re.match(r'^ *API level: ', s)]
apis = [re.findall(r'[0-9]+', s) for s in apis]
apis = [int(s[0]) for s in apis if s]
info('Available Android APIs are ({})'.format(
', '.join(map(str, apis))))
if android_api in apis:
info(('Requested API target {} is available, '
warning(('Requested API target {} is not available, install '
'it with the SDK android tool.').format(android_api))
# AND: If the android api target doesn't exist, we should
# offer to install it here
# Find the Android NDK
# Could also use ANDROID_NDK, but doesn't look like many tools use this
ndk_dir = None
if user_ndk_dir:
ndk_dir = user_ndk_dir
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Getting NDK dir from from user argument')
if ndk_dir is None: # The old P4A-specific dir
ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROIDNDK', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK')
if ndk_dir is None: # Apparently the most common convention
ndk_dir = environ.get('NDK_HOME', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $NDK_HOME')
if ndk_dir is None: # Another convention (with maven?)
ndk_dir = environ.get('ANDROID_NDK_HOME', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Found NDK dir in $ANDROID_NDK_HOME')
if ndk_dir is None: # Checks in the buildozer NDK dir, useful
# for debug tests of p4a
possible_dirs = glob.glob(expanduser(join(
'~', '.buildozer', 'android', 'platform', 'android-ndk-r*')))
if possible_dirs:
info('Found possible NDK dirs in buildozer dir: {}'.format(
', '.join([d.split(os.sep)[-1] for d in possible_dirs])))
info('Will attempt to use NDK at {}'.format(possible_dirs[0]))
warning('This NDK lookup is intended for debug only, if you '
'use python-for-android much you should probably '
'maintain your own NDK download.')
ndk_dir = possible_dirs[0]
if ndk_dir is None:
warning('Android NDK dir was not specified, exiting.')
self.ndk_dir = realpath(ndk_dir)
# Find the NDK version, and check it against what the NDK dir
# seems to report
ndk_ver = None
if user_ndk_ver:
ndk_ver = user_ndk_ver
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Got NDK version from from user argument')
if ndk_ver is None:
ndk_ver = environ.get('ANDROIDNDKVER', None)
if ndk_dir is not None:
info('Got NDK version from $ANDROIDNDKVER')
with open(join(ndk_dir, 'RELEASE.TXT')) as fileh:
reported_ndk_ver = fileh.read().split(' ')[0]
except IOError:
if ndk_ver is None:
ndk_ver = reported_ndk_ver
info(('Got Android NDK version from the NDK dir: '
'it is {}').format(ndk_ver))
if ndk_ver != reported_ndk_ver:
warning('NDK version was set as {}, but checking '
'the NDK dir claims it is {}.'.format(
ndk_ver, reported_ndk_ver))
warning('The build will try to continue, but it may '
'fail and you should check '
'that your setting is correct.')
warning('If the NDK dir result is correct, you don\'t '
'need to manually set the NDK ver.')
if ndk_ver is None:
warning('Android NDK version could not be found, exiting.')
self.ndk_ver = ndk_ver
self.ndk_platform = join(
if not exists(self.ndk_platform):
warning('ndk_platform doesn\'t exist')
ok = False
virtualenv = None
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv2')
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv-2.7')
if virtualenv is None:
virtualenv = sh.which('virtualenv')
if virtualenv is None:
raise IOError('Couldn\'t find a virtualenv executable, '
'you must install this to use p4a.')
self.virtualenv = virtualenv
info('Found virtualenv at {}'.format(virtualenv))
# path to some tools
self.ccache = sh.which("ccache")
if not self.ccache:
info('ccache is missing, the build will not be optimized in the '
for cython_fn in ("cython2", "cython-2.7", "cython"):
cython = sh.which(cython_fn)
if cython:
self.cython = cython
if not self.cython:
ok = False
warning("Missing requirement: cython is not installed")
# Modify the path so that sh finds modules appropriately
py_platform = sys.platform
if py_platform in ['linux2', 'linux3']:
py_platform = 'linux'
if self.ndk_ver == 'r5b':
toolchain_prefix = 'arm-eabi'
elif self.ndk_ver[:2] in ('r7', 'r8', 'r9'):
toolchain_prefix = 'arm-linux-androideabi'
elif self.ndk_ver[:3] == 'r10':
toolchain_prefix = 'arm-linux-androideabi'
warning('Error: NDK not supported by these tools?')
toolchain_versions = []
toolchain_path = join(self.ndk_dir, 'toolchains')
if os.path.isdir(toolchain_path):
toolchain_contents = os.listdir(toolchain_path)
for toolchain_content in toolchain_contents:
if toolchain_content.startswith(toolchain_prefix) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(toolchain_path, toolchain_content)):
toolchain_version = toolchain_content[len(toolchain_prefix)+1:]
debug('Found toolchain version: {}'.format(toolchain_version))
warning('Could not find toolchain subdirectory!')
ok = False
toolchain_versions_gcc = []
for toolchain_version in toolchain_versions:
if toolchain_version[0].isdigit(): # GCC toolchains begin with a number
if toolchain_versions:
info('Found the following toolchain versions: {}'.format(toolchain_versions))
info('Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here {}'.format(toolchain_versions_gcc[-1]))
toolchain_version = toolchain_versions_gcc[-1]
warning('Could not find any toolchain for {}!'.format(toolchain_prefix))
ok = False
self.toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix
self.toolchain_version = toolchain_version
environ['PATH'] = ('{ndk_dir}/toolchains/{toolchain_prefix}-{toolchain_version}/'
sdk_dir=self.sdk_dir, ndk_dir=self.ndk_dir,
py_platform=py_platform, path=environ.get('PATH'))
# AND: Are these necessary? Where to check for and and ndk-build?
# check the basic tools
for executable in ("pkg-config", "autoconf", "automake", "libtoolize",
"tar", "bzip2", "unzip", "make", "gcc", "g++"):
if not sh.which(executable):
warning("Missing executable: {} is not installed".format(
if not ok:
def __init__(self):
super(Context, self).__init__()
self.include_dirs = []
self._build_env_prepared = False
self._sdk_dir = None
self._ndk_dir = None
self._android_api = None
self._ndk_ver = None
self.toolchain_prefix = None
self.toolchain_version = None
# root of the toolchain
# AND: Currently only the Android architecture is supported
self.archs = (
ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds'))
ensure_dir(join(self.build_dir, 'other_builds')) # where everything else is built
# # remove the most obvious flags that can break the compilation
self.env.pop("LDFLAGS", None)
self.env.pop("ARCHFLAGS", None)
self.env.pop("CFLAGS", None)
# set the state
self.state = JsonStore(join(self.dist_dir, "state.db"))
def prepare_bootstrap(self, bs):
bs.ctx = self
self.bootstrap = bs
self.bootstrap_build_dir = self.bootstrap.build_dir
def prepare_dist(self, name):
self.dist_name = name
def get_site_packages_dir(self, arch=None):
'''Returns the location of site-packages in the python-install build
# AND: This *must* be replaced with something more general in
# order to support multiple python versions and/or multiple
# archs.
return join(self.get_python_install_dir(), 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages')
def get_libs_dir(self, arch):
'''The libs dir for a given arch.'''
ensure_dir(join(self.libs_dir, arch))
# AND: See warning:
return join(self.libs_dir, arch)
class Distribution(object):
'''State container for information about a distribution (i.e. an
Android project).
This is separate from a Bootstrap because the Bootstrap is
concerned with building and populating the dist directory, whereas
the dist itself could also come from e.g. a binary download.
ctx = None
name = None # A name identifying the dist. May not be None.
needs_build = False # Whether the dist needs compiling
url = None
dist_dir = None # Where the dist dir ultimately is. Should not be None.
recipes = []
description = '' # A long description
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
def __str__(self):
return '<Distribution: name {} with recipes ({})>'.format(
# self.name, ', '.join([recipe.name for recipe in self.recipes]))
self.name, ', '.join(self.recipes))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def get_distribution(cls, ctx, name=None, recipes=[], allow_download=True,
allow_build=True, extra_dist_dirs=[],
'''Takes information about the distribution, and decides what kind of
distribution it will be.
If parameters conflict (e.g. a dist with that name already
exists, but doesn't have the right set of recipes),
an error is thrown.
name : str
The name of the distribution. If a dist with this name already '
exists, it will be used.
recipes : list
The recipes that the distribution must contain.
allow_download : bool
Whether binary dists may be downloaded.
allow_build : bool
Whether the distribution may be built from scratch if necessary.
This is always False on e.g. Windows.
force_download: bool
If True, only downloaded dists are considered.
force_build : bool
If True, the dist is forced to be built locally.
extra_dist_dirs : list
Any extra directories in which to search for dists.
require_perfect_match : bool
If True, will only match distributions with precisely the
correct set of recipes.
# AND: This whole function is a bit hacky, it needs checking
# properly to make sure it follows logically correct
# possibilities
existing_dists = Distribution.get_distributions(ctx)
needs_build = True # whether the dist needs building, will be returned
possible_dists = existing_dists
# 0) Check if a dist with that name already exists
if name is not None and name:
possible_dists = [d for d in possible_dists if d.name == name]
# 1) Check if any existing dists meet the requirements
_possible_dists = []
for dist in possible_dists:
for recipe in recipes:
if recipe not in dist.recipes:
possible_dists = _possible_dists
if possible_dists:
info('Of the existing distributions, the following meet '
'the given requirements:')
info('No existing dists meet the given requirements!')
# If any dist has perfect recipes, return it
for dist in possible_dists:
if force_build:
if (set(dist.recipes) == set(recipes) or
(set(recipes).issubset(set(dist.recipes)) and not require_perfect_match)):
info_notify('{} has compatible recipes, using this one'.format(dist.name))
return dist
assert len(possible_dists) < 2
if not name and possible_dists:
info('Asked for dist with name {} with recipes ({}), but a dist '
'with this name already exists and has incompatible recipes '
'({})'.format(name, ', '.join(recipes), ', '.join(possible_dists[0].recipes)))
info('No compatible dist found, so exiting.')
# # 2) Check if any downloadable dists meet the requirements
# online_dists = [('testsdl2', ['hostpython2', 'sdl2_image',
# 'sdl2_mixer', 'sdl2_ttf',
# 'python2', 'sdl2',
# 'pyjniussdl2', 'kivysdl2'],
# 'https://github.com/inclement/sdl2-example-dist/archive/master.zip'),
# ]
# _possible_dists = []
# for dist_name, dist_recipes, dist_url in online_dists:
# for recipe in recipes:
# if recipe not in dist_recipes:
# break
# else:
# dist = Distribution(ctx)
# dist.name = dist_name
# dist.url = dist_url
# _possible_dists.append(dist)
# # if _possible_dists
# If we got this far, we need to build a new dist
dist = Distribution(ctx)
dist.needs_build = True
if not name:
filen = 'unnamed_dist_{}'
i = 1
while exists(join(ctx.dist_dir, filen.format(i))):
i += 1
name = filen.format(i)
dist.name = name
dist.dist_dir = join(ctx.dist_dir, dist.name)
dist.recipes = recipes
return dist
def get_distributions(cls, ctx, extra_dist_dirs=[]):
'''Returns all the distributions found locally.'''
if extra_dist_dirs:
warning('extra_dist_dirs argument to get_distributions is not yet implemented')
dist_dir = ctx.dist_dir
folders = glob.glob(join(dist_dir, '*'))
for dir in extra_dist_dirs:
folders.extend(glob.glob(join(dir, '*')))
dists = []
for folder in folders:
if exists(join(folder, 'dist_info.json')):
with open(join(folder, 'dist_info.json')) as fileh:
dist_info = json.load(fileh)
dist = cls(ctx)
dist.name = folder.split('/')[-1] # AND: also equal
# to
# dist_info['dist_name']...which
# one should we
# use?
dist.dist_dir = folder
dist.needs_build = False
dist.recipes = dist_info['recipes']
return dists
def save_info(self):
Save information about the distribution in its dist_dir.
with current_directory(self.dist_dir):
info('Saving distribution info')
with open('dist_info.json', 'w') as fileh:
json.dump({'dist_name': self.name,
'recipes': self.ctx.recipe_build_order},
def load_info(self):
'''Load information about the dist from the info file that p4a
automatically creates.'''
with current_directory(self.dist_dir):
filen = 'dist_info.json'
if not exists(filen):
return None
with open('dist_info.json', 'r') as fileh:
dist_info = json.load(fileh)
return dist_info
class Bootstrap(object):
'''An Android project template, containing recipe stuff for
compilation and templated fields for APK info.
name = ''
jni_subdir = '/jni'
ctx = None
bootstrap_dir = None
build_dir = None
dist_dir = None
dist_name = None
distribution = None
recipe_depends = []
can_be_chosen_automatically = True
'''Determines whether the bootstrap can be chosen as one that
satisfies user requirements. If False, it will not be returned
from Bootstrap.get_bootstrap_from_recipes.
# Other things a Bootstrap might need to track (maybe separately):
# ndk_main.c
# whitelist.txt
# blacklist.txt
def dist_dir(self):
'''The dist dir at which to place the finished distribution.'''
if self.distribution is None:
warning('Tried to access {}.dist_dir, but {}.distribution '
'is None'.format(self, self))
return self.distribution.dist_dir
def jni_dir(self):
return self.name + self.jni_subdir
def get_build_dir(self):
return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'bootstrap_builds', self.name)
def get_dist_dir(self, name):
return join(self.ctx.dist_dir, name)
def name(self):
modname = self.__class__.__module__
return modname.split(".", 2)[-1]
def prepare_build_dir(self):
'''Ensure that a build dir exists for the recipe. This same single
dir will be used for building all different archs.'''
self.build_dir = self.get_build_dir()
shprint(sh.cp, '-r',
join(self.bootstrap_dir, 'build'),
# join(self.ctx.root_dir,
# 'bootstrap_templates',
# self.name),
with current_directory(self.build_dir):
with open('project.properties', 'w') as fileh:
def prepare_dist_dir(self, name):
# self.dist_dir = self.get_dist_dir(name)
def run_distribute(self):
# print('Default bootstrap being used doesn\'t know how to distribute...failing.')
# exit(1)
with current_directory(self.dist_dir):
info('Saving distribution info')
with open('dist_info.json', 'w') as fileh:
json.dump({'dist_name': self.ctx.dist_name,
'bootstrap': self.ctx.bootstrap.name,
'recipes': self.ctx.recipe_build_order},
# AND: This method must be replaced by manual dir setting, in
# order to allow for user dirs
# def get_bootstrap_dir(self):
# return(dirname(__file__))
def list_bootstraps(cls):
'''Find all the available bootstraps and return them.'''
forbidden_dirs = ('__pycache__', )
bootstraps_dir = join(dirname(__file__), 'bootstraps')
for name in listdir(bootstraps_dir):
if name in forbidden_dirs:
filen = join(bootstraps_dir, name)
if isdir(filen):
yield name
def get_bootstrap_from_recipes(cls, recipes, ctx):
'''Returns a bootstrap whose recipe requirements do not conflict with
the given recipes.'''
info('Trying to find a bootstrap that matches the given recipes.')
bootstraps = [cls.get_bootstrap(name, ctx) for name in cls.list_bootstraps()]
acceptable_bootstraps = []
for bs in bootstraps:
ok = True
if not bs.can_be_chosen_automatically:
ok = False
for recipe in bs.recipe_depends:
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx)
if any([conflict in recipes for conflict in recipe.conflicts]):
ok = False
for recipe in recipes:
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(recipe, ctx)
if any([conflict in bs.recipe_depends for conflict in recipe.conflicts]):
ok = False
if ok:
info('Found {} acceptable bootstraps: {}'.format(
len(acceptable_bootstraps), [bs.name for bs in acceptable_bootstraps]))
if acceptable_bootstraps:
info('Using the first of these: {}'.format(acceptable_bootstraps[0].name))
return acceptable_bootstraps[0]
return None
def get_bootstrap(cls, name, ctx):
'''Returns an instance of a bootstrap with the given name.
This is the only way you should access a bootstrap class, as
it sets the bootstrap directory correctly.
# AND: This method will need to check user dirs, and access
# bootstraps in a slightly different way
if name is None:
return None
if not hasattr(cls, 'bootstraps'):
cls.bootstraps = {}
if name in cls.bootstraps:
return cls.bootstraps[name]
mod = importlib.import_module('pythonforandroid.bootstraps.{}'.format(name))
if len(logger.handlers) > 1:
bootstrap = mod.bootstrap
bootstrap.bootstrap_dir = join(ctx.root_dir, 'bootstraps', name)
bootstrap.ctx = ctx
return bootstrap
[docs]class Recipe(object):
url = None
'''The address from which the recipe may be downloaded. This is not
essential, it may be omitted if the source is available some other
way, such as via the :class:`IncludedFilesBehaviour` mixin.
If the url includes the version, you may (and probably should)
replace this with ``{version}``, which will automatically be
replaced by the :attr:`version` string during download.
.. note:: Methods marked (internal) are used internally and you
probably don't need to call them, but they are available
if you want.
version = None
'''A string giving the version of the software the recipe describes,
e.g. ``2.0.3`` or ``master``.'''
md5sum = None
'''The md5sum of the source from the :attr:`url`. Non-essential, but
you should try to include this, it is used to check that the download
finished correctly.
depends = []
'''A list containing the names of any recipes that this recipe depends on.
conflicts = []
'''A list containing the names of any recipes that are known to be
incompatible with this one.'''
opt_depends = []
'''A list of optional dependencies, that must be built before this
recipe if they are built at all, but whose presence is not essential.'''
archs = ['armeabi'] # Not currently implemented properly
def versioned_url(self):
'''A property returning the url of the recipe with ``{version}``
replaced by the :attr:`url`. If accessing the url, you should use this
property, *not* access the url directly.'''
if self.url is None:
return None
return self.url.format(version=self.version)
[docs] def download_file(self, url, target, cwd=None):
(internal) Download an ``url`` to a ``target``.
if not url:
info('Downloading {} from {}'.format(self.name, url))
if cwd:
target = join(cwd, target)
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if parsed_url.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
def report_hook(index, blksize, size):
if size <= 0:
progression = '{0} bytes'.format(index * blksize)
progression = '{0:.2f}%'.format(
index * blksize * 100. / float(size))
stdout.write('- Download {}\r'.format(progression))
if exists(target):
urlretrieve(url, target, report_hook)
return target
elif parsed_url.scheme in ('git',):
if os.path.isdir(target):
with current_directory(target):
shprint(sh.git, 'pull')
shprint(sh.git, 'pull', '--recurse-submodules')
shprint(sh.git, 'submodule', 'update', '--recursive')
shprint(sh.git, 'clone', '--recursive', url, target)
return target
[docs] def apply_patch(self, filename):
Apply a patch from the current recipe directory into the current
build directory.
info("Applying patch {}".format(filename))
filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename)
# AND: get_build_dir shouldn't need to hardcode armeabi
sh.patch("-t", "-d", self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), "-p1", "-i", filename)
def copy_file(self, filename, dest):
info("Copy {} to {}".format(filename, dest))
filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename)
dest = join(self.build_dir, dest)
shutil.copy(filename, dest)
def append_file(self, filename, dest):
info("Append {} to {}".format(filename, dest))
filename = join(self.recipe_dir, filename)
dest = join(self.build_dir, dest)
with open(filename, "rb") as fd:
data = fd.read()
with open(dest, "ab") as fd:
# def has_marker(self, marker):
# """
# Return True if the current build directory has the marker set
# """
# return exists(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker)))
# def set_marker(self, marker):
# """
# Set a marker info the current build directory
# """
# with open(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker)), "w") as fd:
# fd.write("ok")
# def delete_marker(self, marker):
# """
# Delete a specific marker
# """
# try:
# unlink(join(self.build_dir, ".{}".format(marker)))
# except:
# pass
def name(self):
'''The name of the recipe, the same as the folder containing it.'''
modname = self.__class__.__module__
return modname.split(".", 2)[-1]
# @property
# def archive_fn(self):
# bfn = basename(self.url.format(version=self.version))
# fn = "{}/{}-{}".format(
# self.ctx.cache_dir,
# self.name, bfn)
# return fn
def filtered_archs(self):
'''Return archs of self.ctx that are valid build archs for the Recipe.'''
result = []
for arch in self.ctx.archs:
if not self.archs or (arch.arch in self.archs):
return result
[docs] def check_recipe_choices(self):
'''Checks what recipes are being built to see which of the alternative
and optional dependencies are being used, and returns a list of these.'''
recipes = []
built_recipes = self.ctx.recipe_build_order
for recipe in self.depends:
if isinstance(recipe, (tuple, list)):
for alternative in recipe:
if alternative in built_recipes:
for recipe in self.opt_depends:
if recipe in built_recipes:
return sorted(recipes)
[docs] def get_build_container_dir(self, arch):
'''Given the arch name, returns the directory where it will be
This returns a different directory depending on what
alternative or optional dependencies are being built.
choices = self.check_recipe_choices()
dir_name = '-'.join([self.name] + choices)
return join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds', dir_name, arch)
[docs] def get_build_dir(self, arch):
'''Given the arch name, returns the directory where the
downloaded/copied package will be built.'''
# if self.url is not None:
# return join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch),
# get_directory(self.versioned_url))
return join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch), self.name)
def get_recipe_dir(self):
# AND: Redundant, an equivalent property is already set by get_recipe
return join(self.ctx.root_dir, 'recipes', self.name)
# Public Recipe API to be subclassed if needed
def ensure_build_container_dir(self):
info_main('Preparing build dir for {}'.format(self.name))
build_dir = self.get_build_container_dir('armeabi')
def download_if_necessary(self):
info_main('Downloading {}'.format(self.name))
user_dir = environ.get('P4A_{}_DIR'.format(self.name.lower()))
if user_dir is not None:
info('P4A_{}_DIR is set, skipping download for {}'.format(
self.name, self.name))
def download(self):
if self.url is None:
info('Skipping {} download as no URL is set'.format(self.name))
url = self.versioned_url
shprint(sh.mkdir, '-p', join(self.ctx.packages_path, self.name))
with current_directory(join(self.ctx.packages_path, self.name)):
filename = shprint(sh.basename, url).stdout[:-1].decode('utf-8')
do_download = True
marker_filename = '.mark-{}'.format(filename)
if exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename):
if not exists(marker_filename):
shprint(sh.rm, filename)
elif self.md5sum:
current_md5 = shprint(sh.md5sum, filename)
print('downloaded md5: {}'.format(current_md5))
print('expected md5: {}'.format(self.md5sum))
print('md5 not handled yet, exiting')
do_download = False
info('{} download already cached, skipping'.format(self.name))
# Should check headers here!
warning('Should check headers here! Skipping for now.')
# If we got this far, we will download
if do_download:
print('Downloading {} from {}'.format(self.name, url))
shprint(sh.rm, '-f', marker_filename)
self.download_file(url, filename)
shprint(sh.touch, marker_filename)
if self.md5sum is not None:
print('downloaded md5: {}'.format(current_md5))
print('expected md5: {}'.format(self.md5sum))
print('md5 not handled yet, exiting')
def unpack(self, arch):
info_main('Unpacking {} for {}'.format(self.name, arch))
build_dir = self.get_build_container_dir(arch)
user_dir = environ.get('P4A_{}_DIR'.format(self.name.lower()))
if user_dir is not None:
info('P4A_{}_DIR exists, symlinking instead'.format(
# AND: Currently there's something wrong if I use ln, fix this
warning('Using git clone instead of symlink...fix this!')
if exists(self.get_build_dir(arch)):
shprint(sh.rm, '-rf', build_dir)
shprint(sh.mkdir, '-p', build_dir)
shprint(sh.rmdir, build_dir)
# shprint(sh.ln, '-s', user_dir, join(build_dir, get_directory(self.versioned_url)))
shprint(sh.git, 'clone', user_dir, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'))
if self.url is None:
info('Skipping {} unpack as no URL is set'.format(self.name))
filename = shprint(sh.basename, self.versioned_url).stdout[:-1].decode('utf-8')
# AND: TODO: Use tito's better unpacking method
with current_directory(build_dir):
directory_name = self.get_build_dir(arch)
# AND: Could use tito's get_archive_rootdir here
if not exists(directory_name) or not isdir(directory_name):
extraction_filename = join(self.ctx.packages_path, self.name, filename)
if os.path.isfile(extraction_filename):
if (extraction_filename.endswith('.tar.gz') or
sh.tar('xzf', extraction_filename)
root_directory = shprint(
sh.tar, 'tzf', extraction_filename).stdout.decode(
if root_directory != directory_name:
shprint(sh.mv, root_directory, directory_name)
elif (extraction_filename.endswith('.tar.bz2') or
info('Extracting {} at {}'.format(extraction_filename, filename))
sh.tar('xjf', extraction_filename)
root_directory = sh.tar('tjf', extraction_filename).stdout.decode(
if root_directory != directory_name:
shprint(sh.mv, root_directory, directory_name)
elif extraction_filename.endswith('.zip'):
import zipfile
fileh = zipfile.ZipFile(extraction_filename, 'r')
root_directory = fileh.filelist[0].filename.strip('/')
if root_directory != directory_name:
shprint(sh.mv, root_directory, directory_name)
raise Exception('Could not extract {} download, it must be .zip, '
'.tar.gz or .tar.bz2')
elif os.path.isdir(extraction_filename):
for entry in os.listdir(extraction_filename):
if entry not in ('.git',):
shprint(sh.cp, '-Rv', os.path.join(extraction_filename, entry), directory_name)
raise Exception('Given path is neither a file nor a directory: {}'.format(extraction_filename))
info('{} is already unpacked, skipping'.format(self.name))
[docs] def get_recipe_env(self, arch=None):
"""Return the env specialized for the recipe
if arch is None:
arch = self.filtered_archs[0]
return arch.get_env()
# @property
# def archive_root(self):
# key = "{}.archive_root".format(self.name)
# value = self.ctx.state.get(key)
# if not key:
# value = self.get_archive_rootdir(self.archive_fn)
# self.ctx.state[key] = value
# return value
# def execute(self):
# if self.custom_dir:
# self.ctx.state.remove_all(self.name)
# self.download()
# self.extract()
# self.build_all()
# AND: Will need to change how this works
# @property
# def custom_dir(self):
# """Check if there is a variable name to specify a custom version /
# directory to use instead of the current url.
# """
# d = environ.get("P4A_{}_DIR".format(self.name.lower()))
# if not d:
# return
# if not exists(d):
# return
# return d
# def prebuild(self):
# self.prebuild_arch(self.ctx.archs[0]) # AND: Need to change
# # this to support
# # multiple archs
# def build(self):
# self.build_arch(self.ctx.archs[0]) # Same here!
# def postbuild(self):
# self.postbuild_arch(self.ctx.archs[0])
[docs] def prebuild_arch(self, arch):
'''Run any pre-build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
any prebuild_archname methods exist for the archname of the current
architecture, and runs them if so.'''
prebuild = "prebuild_{}".format(arch.arch)
if hasattr(self, prebuild):
getattr(self, prebuild)()
info('{} has no {}, skipping'.format(self.name, prebuild))
[docs] def should_build(self):
'''Should perform any necessary test and return True only if it needs
building again.
# AND: This should take arch as an argument!
return True
[docs] def build_arch(self, arch):
'''Run any build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
any build_archname methods exist for the archname of the current
architecture, and runs them if so.'''
build = "build_{}".format(arch.arch)
if hasattr(self, build):
getattr(self, build)()
[docs] def postbuild_arch(self, arch):
'''Run any post-build tasks for the Recipe. By default, this checks if
any postbuild_archname methods exist for the archname of the
current architecture, and runs them if so.
postbuild = "postbuild_{}".format(arch.arch)
if hasattr(self, postbuild):
getattr(self, postbuild)()
[docs] def prepare_build_dir(self, arch):
'''Copies the recipe data into a build dir for the given arch. By
default, this unpacks a downloaded recipe. You should override
it (or use a Recipe subclass with different behaviour) if you
want to do something else.
[docs] def clean_build(self, arch=None):
'''Deletes all the build information of the recipe.
If arch is not None, only this arch dir is deleted. Otherwise
(the default) all builds for all archs are deleted.
By default, this just deletes the main build dir. If the
recipe has e.g. object files biglinked, or .so files stored
elsewhere, you should override this method.
This method is intended for testing purposes, it may have
strange results. Rebuild everything if this seems to happen.
if arch is None:
dir = join(self.ctx.build_dir, 'other_builds', self.name)
dir = self.get_build_container_dir(arch)
if exists(dir):
warning(('Attempted to clean build for {} but build'
'did not exist').format(self.name))
def list_recipes(cls):
forbidden_dirs = ('__pycache__', )
recipes_dir = join(dirname(__file__), "recipes")
for name in listdir(recipes_dir):
if name in forbidden_dirs:
fn = join(recipes_dir, name)
if isdir(fn):
yield name
[docs] def get_recipe(cls, name, ctx):
'''Returns the Recipe with the given name, if it exists.'''
if not hasattr(cls, "recipes"):
cls.recipes = {}
if name in cls.recipes:
return cls.recipes[name]
recipe_dir = join(ctx.root_dir, 'recipes', name)
if not exists(recipe_dir): # AND: This will need modifying
# for user-supplied recipes
raise IOError('Recipe folder does not exist')
mod = importlib.import_module("pythonforandroid.recipes.{}".format(name))
if len(logger.handlers) > 1:
recipe = mod.recipe
recipe.recipe_dir = recipe_dir
recipe.ctx = ctx
return recipe
class IncludedFilesBehaviour(object):
'''Recipe mixin class that will automatically unpack files included in
the recipe directory.'''
src_filename = None
def prepare_build_dir(self, arch):
if self.src_filename is None:
print('IncludedFilesBehaviour failed: no src_filename specified')
shprint(sh.cp, '-a', join(self.get_recipe_dir(), self.src_filename),
class NDKRecipe(Recipe):
'''A recipe class for recipes built in an Android project jni dir with
an Android.mk. These are not cached separatly, but built in the
bootstrap's own building directory.
In the future they should probably also copy their contents from a
standalone set of ndk recipes, but for now the bootstraps include
all their recipe code.
dir_name = None # The name of the recipe build folder in the jni dir
def get_build_container_dir(self, arch):
return self.get_jni_dir()
def get_build_dir(self, arch):
if self.dir_name is None:
raise ValueError('{} recipe doesn\'t define a dir_name, but '
'this is necessary'.format(self.name))
return join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch), self.dir_name)
def get_jni_dir(self):
return join(self.ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'jni')
# def download_if_necessary(self):
# info_main('Downloading {}'.format(self.name))
# info('{} is an NDK recipe, it is alread included in the '
# 'bootstrap (for now), so skipping'.format(self.name))
# # Do nothing; in the future an NDKRecipe can copy its
# # contents to the bootstrap build dir, but for now each
# # bootstrap already includes available recipes (as was
# # already the case in p4a)
# def prepare_build_dir(self, arch):
# info_main('Unpacking {} for {}'.format(self.name, arch))
# info('{} is included in the bootstrap, unpacking currently '
# 'unnecessary, so skipping'.format(self.name))
class PythonRecipe(Recipe):
site_packages_name = None # The name of the module in
# site_packages (i.e. as a python
# module)
def should_build(self):
# AND: This should be different for each arch and use some
# kind of data store to know what has been built in a given
# python env
print('name is', self.site_packages_name, type(self))
name = self.site_packages_name
if name is None:
name = self.name
if exists(join(self.ctx.get_site_packages_dir(), name)):
info('Python package already exists in site-packages')
return False
info('{} apparently isn\'t already in site-packages'.format(name))
return True
def build_arch(self, arch):
'''Install the Python module by calling setup.py install with
the target Python dir.'''
super(PythonRecipe, self).build_arch(arch)
# @cache_execution
# def install(self):
# self.install_python_package()
# self.reduce_python_package()
def install_python_package(self, name=None, env=None, is_dir=True):
'''Automate the installation of a Python package (or a cython
package where the cython components are pre-built).'''
arch = self.filtered_archs[0]
if name is None:
name = self.name
if env is None:
env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
info('Installing {} into site-packages'.format(self.name))
with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'install', '-O2', _env=env)
class CompiledComponentsPythonRecipe(PythonRecipe):
pre_build_ext = False
def build_arch(self, arch):
'''Build any cython components, then install the Python module by
calling setup.py install with the target Python dir.
Recipe.build_arch(self, arch) # AND: Having to directly call the
# method like this is nasty...could
# use tito's method of having an
# install method that always runs
# after everything else but isn't
# used by a normal recipe.
def build_compiled_components(self, arch):
info('Building compiled components in {}'.format(self.name))
env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '-v')
build_dir = glob.glob('build/lib.*')[0]
shprint(sh.find, build_dir, '-name', '"*.o"', '-exec',
env['STRIP'], '{}', ';', _env=env)
class CythonRecipe(PythonRecipe):
pre_build_ext = False
cythonize = True
def build_arch(self, arch):
'''Build any cython components, then install the Python module by
calling setup.py install with the target Python dir.
Recipe.build_arch(self, arch) # AND: Having to directly call the
# method like this is nasty...could
# use tito's method of having an
# install method that always runs
# after everything else but isn't
# used by a normal recipe.
def build_cython_components(self, arch):
# AND: Should we use tito's cythonize methods? How do they work?
info('Cythonizing anything necessary in {}'.format(self.name))
env = self.get_recipe_env(arch)
with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)):
hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython)
info('Trying first build of {} to get cython files: this is '
'expected to fail'.format(self.name))
shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'build_ext', _env=env)
except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
info('{} first build failed (as expected)'.format(self.name))
info('Running cython where appropriate')
shprint(sh.find, self.get_build_dir('armeabi'), '-iname', '*.pyx', '-exec',
self.ctx.cython, '{}', ';', _env=env)
info('ran cython')
shprint(hostpython, 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '-v', _env=env)
build_lib = glob.glob('./build/lib*')
shprint(sh.find, build_lib[0], '-name', '*.o', '-exec',
env['STRIP'], '{}', ';', _env=env)
# exit(1)
# def cythonize_file(self, filename):
# if filename.startswith(self.build_dir):
# filename = filename[len(self.build_dir) + 1:]
# print("Cythonize {}".format(filename))
# cmd = sh.Command(join(self.ctx.root_dir, "tools", "cythonize.py"))
# shprint(cmd, filename)
# def cythonize_build(self):
# if not self.cythonize:
# return
# root_dir = self.build_dir
# for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(root_dir):
# for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.pyx"):
# self.cythonize_file(join(root, filename))
# def biglink(self):
# dirs = []
# for root, dirnames, filenames in walk(self.build_dir):
# if fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.so.libs"):
# dirs.append(root)
# cmd = sh.Command(join(self.ctx.root_dir, "tools", "biglink"))
# shprint(cmd, join(self.build_dir, "lib{}.a".format(self.name)), *dirs)
def get_recipe_env(self, arch):
env = super(CythonRecipe, self).get_recipe_env(arch)
env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format(
self.ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch) +
env['LDSHARED'] = join(self.ctx.root_dir, 'tools', 'liblink')
env['NDKPLATFORM'] = self.ctx.ndk_platform
# Every recipe uses its own liblink path, object files are
# collected and biglinked later
liblink_path = join(self.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch), 'objects_{}'.format(self.name))
env['LIBLINK_PATH'] = liblink_path
return env
def build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx):
# Put recipes in correct build order
bs = ctx.bootstrap
info_notify("Recipe build order is {}".format(build_order))
if python_modules:
info_notify(('The requirements ({}) were not found as recipes, they will be '
'installed with pip.').format(', '.join(python_modules)))
ctx.recipe_build_order = build_order
recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in build_order]
# download is arch independent
info_main('# Downloading recipes ')
for recipe in recipes:
for arch in ctx.archs:
info_main('# Building all recipes for arch {}'.format(arch.arch))
info_main('# Unpacking recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('# Prebuilding recipes')
# 2) prebuild packages
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Prebuilding {} for {}'.format(recipe.name, arch.arch))
# 3) build packages
info_main('# Building recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Building {} for {}'.format(recipe.name, arch.arch))
if recipe.should_build():
info('{} said it is already built, skipping'.format(recipe.name))
# 4) biglink everything
# AND: Should make this optional (could use
info_main('# Biglinking object files')
biglink(ctx, arch)
# 5) postbuild packages
info_main('# Postbuilding recipes')
for recipe in recipes:
info_main('Postbuilding {} for {}'.format(recipe.name, arch.arch))
info_main('# Installing pure Python modules')
run_pymodules_install(ctx, python_modules)
def run_pymodules_install(ctx, modules):
if not modules:
info('There are no Python modules to install, skipping')
info('The requirements ({}) don\'t have recipes, attempting to install '
'them with pip'.format(', '.join(modules)))
info('If this fails, it may mean that the module has compiled '
'components and needs a recipe.')
venv = sh.Command(ctx.virtualenv)
with current_directory(join(ctx.build_dir)):
shprint(venv, '--python=python2.7', 'venv')
info('Creating a requirements.txt file for the Python modules')
with open('requirements.txt', 'w') as fileh:
for module in modules:
info('Installing Python modules with pip')
info('If this fails with a message about /bin/false, this '
'probably means the package cannot be installed with '
'pip as it needs a compilation recipe.')
# This bash method is what old-p4a used
# It works but should be replaced with something better
shprint(sh.bash, '-c', (
"source venv/bin/activate && env CC=/bin/false CXX=/bin/false"
"PYTHONPATH= pip install --target '{}' -r requirements.txt").format(ctx.get_site_packages_dir()))
def biglink(ctx, arch):
# First, collate object files from each recipe
info('Collating object files from each recipe')
obj_dir = join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'collated_objects')
recipes = [Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx) for name in ctx.recipe_build_order]
for recipe in recipes:
recipe_obj_dir = join(recipe.get_build_container_dir(arch.arch),
if not exists(recipe_obj_dir):
info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping'.format(recipe.name))
files = glob.glob(join(recipe_obj_dir, '*'))
if not len(files):
info('{} recipe has no biglinkable files, skipping'.format(recipe.name))
info('{} recipe has object files, copying'.format(recipe.name))
shprint(sh.cp, '-r', *files)
# AND: Shouldn't hardcode ArchAndroid! In reality need separate
# build dirs for each arch
arch = ArchAndroid(ctx)
env = ArchAndroid(ctx).get_env()
env['LDFLAGS'] = env['LDFLAGS'] + ' -L{}'.format(
join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local', 'armeabi'))
if not len(glob.glob(join(obj_dir, '*'))):
info('There seem to be no libraries to biglink, skipping.')
info('target', join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), 'libpymodules.so'))
join(ctx.get_libs_dir(arch.arch), 'libpymodules.so'),
obj_dir.split(' '),
extra_link_dirs=[join(ctx.bootstrap.build_dir, 'obj', 'local', 'armeabi')],
def biglink_function(soname, objs_paths, extra_link_dirs=[], env=None):
print('objs_paths are', objs_paths)
sofiles = []
for directory in objs_paths:
for fn in os.listdir(directory):
fn = os.path.join(directory, fn)
if not fn.endswith(".so.o"):
if not os.path.exists(fn[:-2] + ".libs"):
# The raw argument list.
args = [ ]
for fn in sofiles:
afn = fn + ".o"
libsfn = fn + ".libs"
with open(libsfn) as fd:
data = fd.read()
args.extend(data.split(" "))
unique_args = [ ]
while args:
a = args.pop()
if a in ('-L', ):
if a not in unique_args:
unique_args.insert(0, a)
for dir in extra_link_dirs:
link = '-L{}'.format(dir)
if link not in unique_args:
# print('Biglink create %s library' % soname)
# print('Biglink arguments:')
# for arg in unique_args:
# print(' %s' % arg)
cc_name = env['CC']
cc = sh.Command(cc_name.split()[0])
cc = cc.bake(*cc_name.split()[1:])
shprint(cc, '-shared', '-O3', '-o', soname, *unique_args, _env=env)
# args = os.environ['CC'].split() + \
# ['-shared', '-O3', '-o', soname] + \
# unique_args
# sys.exit(subprocess.call(args))
def ensure_dir(filename):
if not exists(filename):
def dist_from_args(ctx, dist_args):
'''Parses out any distribution-related arguments, and uses them to
obtain a Distribution class instance for the build.
return Distribution.get_distribution(
def build_dist_from_args(ctx, dist, args_list):
'''Parses out any bootstrap related arguments, and uses them to build
a dist.'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Create a newAndroid project')
parser.add_argument('--bootstrap', help=('The name of the bootstrap type, \'pygame\' '
'or \'sdl2\', or leave empty to let a '
'bootstrap be chosen automatically from your '
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(args_list)
bs = Bootstrap.get_bootstrap(args.bootstrap, ctx)
build_order, python_modules, bs = get_recipe_order_and_bootstrap(ctx, dist.recipes, bs)
info('The selected bootstrap is {}'.format(bs.name))
info_main('# Creating dist with {} bootstrap'.format(bs.name))
bs.distribution = dist
info_notify('Dist will have name {} and recipes ({})'.format(
dist.name, ', '.join(dist.recipes)))
ctx.dist_name = bs.distribution.name
build_recipes(build_order, python_modules, ctx)
info_main('# Your distribution was created successfully, exiting.')
info('Dist can be found at (for now) {}'.format(join(ctx.dist_dir, ctx.dist_name)))
return unknown
def get_recipe_order_and_bootstrap(ctx, names, bs=None):
'''Takes a list of recipe names and (optionally) a bootstrap. Then
works out the dependency graph (including bootstrap recipes if
necessary). Finally, if no bootstrap was initially selected,
chooses one that supports all the recipes.
graph = Graph()
recipes_to_load = set(names)
if bs is not None and bs.recipe_depends:
info_notify('Bootstrap requires recipes {}'.format(bs.recipe_depends))
recipes_to_load = recipes_to_load.union(set(bs.recipe_depends))
recipes_to_load = list(recipes_to_load)
recipe_loaded = []
python_modules = []
while recipes_to_load:
name = recipes_to_load.pop(0)
if name in recipe_loaded or isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx)
except IOError:
info('No recipe named {}; will attempt to install with pip'.format(name))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
warning('Failed to import recipe named {}; the recipe exists '
'but appears broken.'.format(name))
warning('Exception was:')
graph.add(name, name)
info('Loaded recipe {} (depends on {}{})'.format(
name, recipe.depends,
', conflicts {}'.format(recipe.conflicts) if recipe.conflicts else ''))
for depend in recipe.depends:
graph.add(name, depend)
recipes_to_load += recipe.depends
for conflict in recipe.conflicts:
if graph.conflicts(conflict):
('{} conflicts with {}, but both have been '
'included or pulled into the requirements.'.format(recipe.name, conflict)))
warning('Due to this conflict the build cannot continue, exiting.')
if len(graph.graphs) > 1:
info('Found multiple valid recipe sets:')
for g in graph.graphs:
info(' {}'.format(g.keys()))
info_notify('Using the first of these: {}'.format(graph.graphs[0].keys()))
elif len(graph.graphs) == 0:
warning('Didn\'t find any valid dependency graphs, exiting.')
info('Found a single valid recipe set (this is good)')
build_order = list(graph.find_order(0))
if bs is None: # It would be better to check against possible
# orders other than the first one, but in practice
# there will rarely be clashes, and the user can
# specify more parameters if necessary to resolve
# them.
bs = Bootstrap.get_bootstrap_from_recipes(build_order, ctx)
if bs is None:
info('Could not find a bootstrap compatible with the required recipes.')
info('If you think such a combination should exist, try '
'specifying the bootstrap manually with --bootstrap.')
info('{} bootstrap appears compatible with the required recipes.'.format(bs.name))
info('Checking this...')
recipes_to_load = bs.recipe_depends
# This code repeats the code from earlier! Should move to a function:
while recipes_to_load:
name = recipes_to_load.pop(0)
if name in recipe_loaded or isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
recipe = Recipe.get_recipe(name, ctx)
except ImportError:
info('No recipe named {}; will attempt to install with pip'.format(name))
graph.add(name, name)
info('Loaded recipe {} (depends on {}{})'.format(
name, recipe.depends,
', conflicts {}'.format(recipe.conflicts) if recipe.conflicts else ''))
for depend in recipe.depends:
graph.add(name, depend)
recipes_to_load += recipe.depends
for conflict in recipe.conflicts:
if graph.conflicts(conflict):
('{} conflicts with {}, but both have been '
'included or pulled into the requirements.'.format(recipe.name, conflict)))
warning('Due to this conflict the build cannot continue, exiting.')
build_order = list(graph.find_order(0))
return build_order, python_modules, bs
# Do a final check that the new bs doesn't pull in any conflicts
def split_argument_list(l):
if not len(l):
return []
return re.split(r'[ ,]*', l)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":